Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sunday in the ER

I was so confused as to which race to mark. It was refreshing.

And because it's not a proper adventure until someone breaks a bone, we spent the morning in Emergency. While I was eating and drinking myself silly last night, Elsie was coming off the side of a bouncy house, flat-palm first. 

Typically in our house, we try to wait 36-48 hours before we x-ray. Most of the time, whatever the problem is has vastly improved. Yes, we've had a couple of broken bones that were not immediately casted, but nothing too serious. And while I've teased Jeremy about that relentlessly, I'm quite glad that we have not pumped them full of radiation.

Elsie was so stoic. She did not so much as well up. No way she was going to let on how badly she was hurt in front of new friends. But it was pretty clear from the start that it was most likely broken. So when the pain was quite focused this morning, off we went.

One week in, and we've had our first ACC experience. ACC is a brilliant concept. Basically, every acute injury is fully covered by the government, whether you have health insurance or not, and whether you are a resident or not. It was not nearly as cumbersome to navigate as I had thought it might be, and the nurses and doctor were wonderfully competent. 

Jeremy officially starts work tomorrow, so it was actually probably good that he got to see the system from the patient's side. Thanks E!


  1. Replies
    1. She's such a funny little bird. Tough as nails, that one.

  2. holy cow that's amazing! (the health coverage, not the break.) and i love the colorful cast. xo, c. xo.

    1. The healthcare system here is outstanding. Having experienced it, I will tell you that we are doing it all wrong in the States.
