First, I need to make a confession. You see, I made a pie yesterday. And it wasn't very good. This disturbs me. Something was lost in translation.
Now, I'm not one to brag. In fact, there's a chance I might be overly self-depricating. There are a LOT of things I do not do well. For example, I'm not generally the most coordinated person in the world. I have literally fallen off my shoes while standing still. More than once. I tried to be on a softball team...until I managed to give myself a black-eye. You get the point.
But I can flat out cook. Especially deserts. It's what I do. I've worked for, lived with, and cooked alongside some of the best chefs in the business. So making a pie, taking it to a party, and then realizing that it is sub-par. Well, that's not a first impression I wanted to give. I guess now I'm going to have to come up with something fantastic to make up for it.
Especially given the incredible people, and food, that we were lucky enough to be part of last night. I don't even know where to start. The genuineness of everyone we have met so far is refreshing and endearing. I'm sure I'll give you more on the cast of characters down the road. But I NEED to talk a little about food, because while my pie came up a little short, we were served some of the best new food I have ever eaten in my life.
It seems that most people around here do not buy their meat from the grocery. They either catch it, stalk (hunt) it, or process an animal that they have raised.
Being from Kentucky, I am not new to venison. It's not my favorite, but I can eat it if it's cooked in a way that masks some of the gaminess and toughness. That was until last night. I've never had venison like this. In fact, it might be my new favorite.
Next to this.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I totally skipped any veggies to make more room for the venison and paua. Too bad it wasn't topped off by a spectacular pie.
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